Reach mobile growth practitioners who are eager to learn

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Why sponsor Growth Gems?

All signal, no noise. Growth Gems caters primarily to mobile industry folks hungry for insights,  passionate about growth, and eager to make a bigger impact at their company.

This is your chance to attract them via a trusted brand and newsletter.

Testimonials from growth practitioners

Read many more testimonials here.

Some specifics

The Growth Gems newsletter has 9,300+ subscribers and a 45% open rate (I know, iOS 15 etc.).It's also growing at an increasing rate.

Where Growth Gems is read

Sponsorship details

I’m looking for sponsors that elevate the newsletter. This means a good fit with the audience as well as a newsletter placement that is not just a CTA to external content, but also an insight, takeaway, or perspective in itself.

The placement is at the beginning of the newsletter, after the gem of the week, and before the first section (cf., section "SPONSORED INSIGHT & RESOURCE" in the example below and here the corresponding newsletter edition).

There is flexibility regarding what the sponsored content section may contain.

A few other examples:

Growth Gems #109
Growth Gems #110
Growth Gems #111
Growth Gems #112

Sponsorship packages

Placement in 1 newsletter edition for $1,400
Placement in 2 newsletter editions for $2,800 $1,990

Interested? Reach out to me at